Course ID: POS-SI>3842.6.E
Semester: 6 / Spring
Lectures/Classes: 30 / 30 hours
Field of study: Environmental Protection
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: ---
Prerequisites: Students of third to fifth year of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Bioeconomy, Waste Management, Renewable Resources
Contact person: agnieszka.medynska-juraszek@upwr.edu.pl
Short description: Microplastic, nanoplastic, occurance in the environment, sources of microplastic, impact to animal and human health, impact on soil biota and crop production; fate of microplastic in water; the fate of microplastic in soil; microplastics as vectors of chemical compounds; methods of microplastic analysis in environmental samples; microplastic remediation and clean-up strategies
Full description: 1) Microplastic definition, sources and contamination of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems 2) Microplastic properties and ageing 3) Behaviour of microplastic in environment 4) Microplastic as an emerging contaminant 5) Microplastic as a vector of emerging contaminants in water and soils 6) Microplastic effects to human and animal health - evidence of microplastic accumulation in living organisms 7) Microplastic in soil - effect on soil properties and plant cultivation 8) Microplastic effect on soil biota 9) Microplastic effect on plants 10) Methods of microplastic identification in waters 11) Methods of microplastic identification in soils and sediments 12) Miroplastic remediation strategies
Bibliography: Hashim M. 2022: Microplastic Pollution Environmental Occurrence and Treatment Technologies - Book published by Springer; ISBN: 978-3-030-89220-3
Learning outcomes: Students will get a knowledge about new threaten - microplastic. During the course we will discuss the types and sources of microplastic, the effects of microplastic occurance in the environment to living organisms and how to identify microplastic in environmental samples. Students will be able to work in th laboratory and learn how to extract microplastic from water and soil samples and identify particles with microscope methods
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Final exam and laboratory training

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